I Tried Honeysuckle's Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe

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Hi everyone, this is my first ever blog post so I thought it would be apt to write about my first baking experience.

I always wanted to try baking so when I saw Honeysuckle's viral chocolate chip cookie recipe, I knew I would start off with this once I got a proper oven (because who doesn't love chocolate chip cookies?)

The recipe is simple and straightforward as you can just mix the batter by hand. This is something I like since there are less items to clean once you are done baking.

I followed the measurements in grams which Honeysuckle wrote in the description box, but I made some changes:

  • White sugar: 100g to 54g

  • Brown sugar: 110g to 62g

  • Chocolate chips: 175g to 150g

There are a few things I would like to highlight about the ingredients.

Sweetness Level

Before trying the recipe, I read the YouTube comments and many of them found the cookies to be too sweet. Hence, I reduced the sugar by about half and wow I was glad I did.

The chocolate chips I used were "Baking Essentials Chocolate Chips Dark", which was supposedly not sweet but I found them sweet and they added to the sweetness of the cookies. If you are not a sweet tooth like me (my usual bubble tea sugar level is 25%), I highly recommend you to reduce the specified sugar by half and perhaps use less or non-sweet chocolate chips.

Type of Butter

In the video, Honeysuckle recommended using Kerrygold unsalted butter as it makes a lot of difference. However, as someone who has never done baking before, I just went with Anchor unsalted butter which was a cheaper choice. The cookies were still delicious so what I would like to point out is: I believe you will still get to enjoy yummy cookies even if you did not get the same brand of butter she recommended.

With that said, let's get to baking!

I got the same batter consistency as shown in her video, which was a slimy texture after adding the butter, sugar and eggs all together.

Slimy consistency of the batter

After adding the flour and chocolate chips, my batter looked like this:

All ingredients added and mixed

It did not take long to mix the ingredients all together. I just mixed until there were no visible white flour patches and the chocolate chips were distributed evenly.

In the video, she used a cookie/ice-cream scooper, but I did not have it so I just used a sizable spoon (similar to what you use for having your meals) to get a consistent amount of batter and shaped them using my hands. The cookies turned out fine, each of them being relatively the same size, so eyeballing works too if you do not have an ice-cream scooper.

Cookie balls

The recipe yielded 13 cookies for me, I had to bake two separate batches since there was not enough space on one tray.

My first batch of cookies looked like this after I took them out of the oven:

Baked cookies straight out of the oven

I could see them spreading out nicely in about 10 minutes after putting them in the oven, which was so satisfying to watch. The cookies smelled nice and I couldn't wait to try them!

You can see the beautiful end results of the cookie:

Cookie - Front View

Cookie - Back View

Besides looking good, the chocolate chip cookies tasted wonderful with just the right amount of sweetness (so glad I didn't follow the original sugar amount, I would have gotten a headache from the sweetness).

That's it for my first baking experience and I was so happy it went well. I also gave some to my friends and they found them delicious too.

I hope you enjoyed reading this and found it helpful.

Happy baking!


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